Bill leads our board of directors and has ultimate responsibility for driving the business forward with a clear and sustainable vision. He is fully accountable for all our operations and takes a hands-on role in implementing our Health and Safety, Quality, and Environmental policies. His forward-thinking approach is reflected throughout the business, and he actively supports new initiatives from within our teams. One of the key drivers of our success has been giving all our people a voice on our direction, and Bill is passionate proponent of this strategy.

Having assembled a highly motivated and skilled team, Bill delegates responsibilities effectively and provides his guidance to maximise our performance. He continually looks for opportunities to work collaboratively with our customers and has an excellent understanding of their requirements. As a result, he ensures that we are able to consistently deliver a high-quality product.

Contact Toppesfield

Call 01473 829129 or email to ask any questions about our accreditations and to learn more about why we’re the right choice for your projects. We’re always happy to meet potential customers.