This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Toppesfield’s slavery and human trafficking statement and it covers the activities of Toppesfield Limited. We are committed to achieving the highest level of ethical standards and to implementing sound governance arrangements to ensure integrity and objectivity in our business activity. We embrace the principles of fairness, inclusion, and respect in everything we do.

Our Business

Toppesfield was established in 2004 and remains the largest and most significant independent surfacing company operating nationally in the UK. We provide road surfacing and associated services including but not limited to production, surfacing, planning, reinforcement grids, anti-skid and lining to clients both in the public and private sector.

Our Supply Chain

Toppesfield uses a wide range of suppliers who supply goods for sale and/or who provide services to our business and our customers. Our suppliers and subcontracts that support our business are predominantly based in the UK. Toppesfield. All new agreements with companies providing subcontracted labour to Toppesfield include an anti-slavery provision, including the right to audit a vendor’s books and processes to ensure the vendor is compliant with all relevant laws and regulation.
Toppesfield regularly notifies our suppliers of their obligation to comply with our policies and adhere to the same high standards as our company. Toppesfield holds regular review meetings with suppliers identified, through our risk assessments, as higher risk.


We are committed to transparency within our organisation ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chain.

We are committed to achieving the highest level of ethical standards and strive to ensure integrity and objectivity in our business activity. It is the company’s responsibility to provide employees and members of our supply chain with a safe and confidential mechanism to raise concerns and report breaches of our standards, processes, or protocols. Our Whistleblowing Policy provides a mechanism for our employees to report any concerns or suspected breaches of our policies.

Our SeeHearSpeakUp helpline and application enables employees and others to raise any concern or to seek advice on a matter related to compliance with the law, our published business ethics and our company Code of Conduct, directly with the business. Our helpline is for all employees and for third parties with whom the Company has a business relationship (including employees, contractors, customers and suppliers) if they observe wrongdoing or wish to raise concerns.

Training and Staff Awareness
To make employees aware of the Act and the drivers of modern slavery, as well as the possible indicators, we share this statement with all employees through our internal communication channels and a copy of this statement is available on the company’s website.