At Toppesfield Ltd health and safety is given the highest priority and will not be compromised for other objectives. We believe that people are our most valuable asset, we are therefore committed to providing and maintaining a safe working environment for our employees and supply chain partners and others who may be affected by our work.

Our overall objective is Zero Harm, so the prevention of injury and occupational ill health is at the forefront of everything that we do.

Our employees and supply chain partners are intrinsic in helping us achieve our “Topp Ten in 10” strategy for eliminating the 10 biggest risks within our business, that have the potential to cause life changing harm. Where elimination is not an option and to create an environment where people can remain safe and healthy, safety critical controls shall be in place for each Topp Risk activity that takes full advantage of advances in technology to provide physical, electrical and mechanical protection.

To achieve this, we will work in compliance with our Business Management System (BMS), which clearly defines the procedures which must be followed by our employees and supply chain partners to protect their health safety and wellbeing.

We shall:

  • Provide places of work are safe and without risk to health;
  • Consult with employees and supply chain partners on matters affecting health and safety to help deliver continual improvement;
  • Provide information, instruction, training and supervision to achieve the above objectives;
  • Ensure systems of work are safe and without risk to health;
  • Provide plant, machinery and vehicles which are safe and without risks to health;
  • Set and monitor objectives and targets at a company and personal level;
  • Comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act,1974 and other relevant legislation and Client’s standards and procedures

As Managing Director, it is my responsibility to ensure that the Company’s Policy is implemented. To this end and in recognition that injury, damage and loss can be avoided, I accept responsibility for co-ordinating the overall effectiveness of health and safety management within the Company. Ensuring that appropriate resources are made available, I shall promote and support our Topp Ten in 10 strategy, which is fundamental to our continued health and safety development.

In pursuance of the Company objectives, all employees and supply chain partners are expected to demonstrate their commitment and contribution to the implementation of this policy by working in a planned and systematic way, where safety is not compromised.

Our BMS sets the highest health and safety standards and conforms with the requirements of ISO 45001, the relevant National Highways Sector Schemes, British Standards and those standards as specified by our client.

This statement will be reviewed annually and is available to interested parties on request.