Toppesfield recognises that its business operations and products have an influence on the environment and is committed to the continual minimisation of the impact of its works and the protection and enhancement of the environment. Adherence to this policy and the implementation, maintenance and development of the Business Management System (BMS) will help to improve our corporate environmental performance.

We Shall:

  • Manage our operations and activities to comply with all legislation, regulations and industry codes, licences and other commitments associated with our environmental impact.
  • Endeavour to make available a choice of recycled products as well as those originating from managed sources or operating to a certificated environmental management system.
  • Set, maintain, review and revise, environmental objectives and targets with the aim of continually improving our performance.
  • Require suppliers to identify their environmental impacts and follow responsible working practices to minimise any negative impacts.
  • Seek, where possible, raw materials from environmentally responsible sources and encourage the use of sustainable materials.
  • Endeavour to reduce the consumption of fuel, energy and water and use renewable and/or recyclable resources wherever possible.
  • Undertake best practice for waste disposal, ensuring a hierarchy of waste control is observed.
  • Prevent, reduce, reuse and recycle waste arising from our operations.
  • Conduct regular reviews to ensure compliance with our BMS.
  • Consultation with employees and supply chain partners will be maintained to ensure that they are aware of the environmental policy and procedures, and we will provide adequate information, instruction and training required to fully implement and operate this policy.

Our employees are expected to conduct their work in a manner compatible with our BMS and company objectives.

We aim to be an environmentally responsible organisation by actively improving environmental performance and showing a dedicated commitment to the prevention of pollution in accordance with the BS EN ISO14001 standard for environmental management.